This website summarises weather data logged by a FineOffset weather station which is downloaded to a Raspberry Pi credit card sized computer.
Communication between the Pi and the weather station is handled by the very polished and highly customisable Weewx software. Weewx downloads a data record from the weatherstation every minute and stores it in a database on the Pi. It then creates graphs and webpages and uploads these to the website every 5 minutes, and also to Weather Underground.
This website uses Bootstrap to deal with most of the layout and presentation.
Last summer (July 2012) I added a new webcam. It's a wireless IP camera (D-Link DCS-930L) intended for indoor use, but I have mounted it outdoors in a sheltered area on the terrace. Against all odds it survived last winters freezing temperatures, and hopefully it will last this coming winter too.Scripts used on this site |
Changelog |